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Unread 03-17-2012, 10:59 PM
Jetblackchemist Jetblackchemist is offline
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Posts: 463

It looks like you are being very meticulous and polishing everything up nice; and like you are taking pride in the restoration and enjoying it...keep it up, Sinijn The red is a nice classic color it seems most I have seen choose black, as a restoration color. but I am sure most people have the first CA model in their memory as being red, I know the first 5 CA models I ever saw were red anyways.

For 350.00 I hope that's all your sheet metal done including sand blasting. Make sure they fill all holes for bolts and cover exposed threads, powder coat is some strong stuff and will make any threads difficult after it come out of the oven. Be sure to inspect it well, If they mess up and wrinkle the paint somewhere they are supposed to redo it.
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