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Unread 03-08-2013, 05:14 PM
Erik S Erik S is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Jamestown, NC
Posts: 68

Back to making this old gent run. With a gas filled mustard bottle and long fuel hose it makes four stroke noises when electric starting, but won't stay running. Possibly no venting with mustard bottle? I sure need to find my analog elec meter to set timing. Digital, as I've set, might not be fast enough for proper timing of points. I'm going to use the Yamaha super carb cleaning tutorial to make sure the carb is very clean. Although the carb spray with soak has not failed me so far...
The major pooper I've just found is many pinholes in the bottom of the fuel tank, bummer. It has major rust flakes inside. Time for an eBay tank? Radiator shop soak and solder, with repaint? Ideas from the kind and gentle folk here?
By the by, Spokes hooked me up with the coolest repaired sealed beam headlight ever. He split the casing and inserted a correct bulb, then resealed it.

Last edited by Erik S; 03-08-2013 at 05:27 PM.
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