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Smithers 03-19-2011 07:39 AM

News about the Japan situation
Courtesey of Alexander Higgins blog. This blog has been sifting through news sources domestic and international to provide people with very quick news and unbiased interpretations of it as well. Don't trust the government is the motto I think and I'm seeing more and more deception the more I look into this current situation that started in Japan and also throughout history (when it comes to nuclear power and any type of major accident).

The government knows EXACTLY how much radiation is coming here, they know how and when, they know if its harmful or not. Why should they tell anyone? For them it doesn't make ANY sense to tell anyone this information and it's obvious they are not. They have the most radiation sensing equipment in the world. Don't kid yourself. They invented the bombs and the energy production with nuclear power (and yes I know they had help from certain people from outside the U.S.). But they put it all together and have changed world history with it's power. So this article is not a surprise at all:

Smithers 03-19-2011 07:45 AM

And how about this for Japan ignoring their crisis at home and just closing their eyes hoping it will all go away. This is pretty incredible. People stuck in Japan and the media being completely offline and not letting the people know what is going on just a couple miles from them! Reactor meltdown 10 miles away? Naaaah you don't need to know that. Just live life like normal people nothing to worry about. Watch this:

All Japan has told it's population to do is stay indoors and not move an inch. Wouldn't that be nice for them? If all its citizens just stayed put and didn't think for themselves and act in response to the danger that is all around them?

Smithers 03-19-2011 07:47 AM

I've seen a lot of jet stream forcasts and this page pretty much sums them all up. This isn't some illustration drawn up to scare people either. This is just the weather pattern across the world here. Wind and jet stream pattern map. This pattern shows the direction that the contamination will follow (already has?). I believe there are some educated people behind this as well.. not just one person typing out a blog. There are many other news sources but AH blog has been posting about the news that is more key to basic human survival while pointing out historic blunders. History repeats itself over and over IMO.

Smithers 03-19-2011 08:15 AM

An interesting mix of information here. Some independent sources of radiation monitoring readings here: I think the site has gone on and offline a little bit so if it doesn't work it's probably getting more traffic than it can handle. That's why the webpage looks so simple and is minimalistic - less data to display = easier on the hosting server.

I'm not fearing some huge disaster here in the U.S. but I think the whole thing is interesting for sure. I live about 36 miles from Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant so if I was super worried about the whole thing then I wouldn't be living here in the first place.

Spokes 03-30-2011 02:51 PM

man that's scarry.

Smithers 03-30-2011 11:16 PM

And it's getting worse and worse the more we learn. I can only imagine the cover ups actually going on over there (and here). You know how documents get uncovered and wikileaked every now and then? It's going to be pretty incredible what gets leaked in the future concerning this crisis. I saw some IED bomb blasts in the middle east recently on video that make the action movies we watch look like childs play! We don't have words to describe the horrible things happening these days.

They recently considered raising the "situation level" to 6 from 5 - out of a possible number of 7. What a joke. 7 being the Chernobyl disaster which was out of control. Seriously? They are leaving the Japan multiple nuclear reactor crisis a FIVE? Things over in Japan are nowhere near contained and they have NO idea when or even IF the will be be brought back under control. A friend of mine commented about the "threat level":I say at least 6x3 = 18 + spent fuels, say +3 = 21"

Watching the news I hardly even see any mention of the evens unfolding in Japan right now. The media reports for shock value to get viewer attention and then when it really goes down it starts depressing people and putting them in a state of panic. That's when the media is told to back off the reporting of such threatening events. All is not good.

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Smithers 04-09-2011 09:40 PM

Recent aftershock = massive problems compiled on Japan nuclear situation. Wow this is way worse than I thought. :-( NOT GOOD. Watch this rebel journalist as he drives in the dead zone. Just take a look at the radiation monitors he has strapped to the dashboard: or click the video below:

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And some more news about what has happened as a result of the recent aftershocks:

Smithers 04-09-2011 09:45 PM

And guess what? We're getting a bunch of trash headed out way from Japan soon! I'm crossing my fingers that a new ZX-10R, V-strom 650 or New Yamaha Super Tenere floats up on the beach and I can grab it. :-)

Smithers 04-14-2011 09:08 PM

Oh my goodness... new stuff is being uploaded as people are getting footage off of their cameras over in Japan. There is a lot of footage we haven't seen yet. You guys have to take a look at this video in particular of the water just washing a town away very quickly right in front of this mans camera!

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Smithers 05-14-2011 08:31 PM

How much is too much? This is going to go on... and on... sooo much radioactive waste it's just overwhelming. "3,000 tons of contaminated water probably leaked from the RPV and the Containment Vessel was found in the basement of the reactor building"

One of the only experts I trust in regards to this nuclear incident:
No one wants to hear the truth. But he tells it.

Smithers 07-11-2011 08:39 PM

On a good note Japan is cleaning things up rather quickly! This is great progress:

Smithers 07-11-2011 08:40 PM

Here is a website which gives a lot of information about what's going on with the Japan situation. There are some pretty smart people behind these videos that really tell it how it is. Make sure you have a little time to spare before you click on the link below!

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