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Smithers 12-05-2010 06:25 PM

New Users - Activating your account to view full threads.
When someone signs up on the forum here they get an email sent to their personal email box so that when they find the email and click on it - then the forum confirms that they are a real person because they have a real email box and clicked on the email link that they get automatically.

Sometimes the persons email program will see this automatically generated email and will flag it as spam and move it to the trash or their spam folder if you have one in your email program. Have a look and see if you got an email from here that would have a subject line saying "Activation Required to Activate Membership for Fourwheelforum"

Smithers 10-27-2014 06:13 AM

Ok guys I'm going to spend some time around here activating new forum members and getting caught up with things as much as time allows. I just got over a broken ankle and you think I would have had the "down time" to spend on the forum but it made my schedule incredibly hard to keep up with seeing how I could only get around extremely slow. And then once I could walk again I had tons of work to attend to! I learned my lesson though... I'm going to stay closer to the ground while riding a dirt bike from now on. I didn't crash but landing from a supercross jump on a brand new dirt bike that hasn't had the suspension set up yet - isn't very smart. My feet didn't like bottoming out the bike by falling out of the sky and I could only crawl for 3 days after. I'm actually walking and working around like normal now. Don't take walking on two feet for granted! Take care of your knees and ankles guys.

I have people to activate around here so I'll be getting those signed up in the next day as I have time. I also have some pretty cool pictures to post up from a bike show the other weekend here in San Luis Obispo -

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